Tuesday 2 September 2008

Kumar Opens Snow Patrol's Eyes

Kumar Opens Snow Patrol's Eyes

The Alliance Party has informed Snow Patrol that Ogra Sinn fein is using its song 'Open Your Eyes' in a YouTube video for its candidate in the upcoming Enniskillen by-election.

Alliance Party Enniskillen by-election candidate Dr. Kumar Kamble said today:

"I feel it's important to open everyone's eyes to the kind of tactics Sinn Fein uses to promote itself.

"If it turns out that Snow Patrol did not authorise the use of their music for a political campaign, I am happy to have taught Sinn Fein a lesson.

"As a newly elected Alliance councillor in Enniskillen, I will continue to hold the other parties to account.

"As the first ethnic minority candidate ever in Enniskillen [true? Who cares...Let someone refute it, if you and Kumar think saying such is worthwhile], I intend to open everyone's eyes to the harm tribal politics has done and continues to do to our society."